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Online Media Arts

Media Arts leads the way in creating innovative educational experiences for students by offering a fully online Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Montana.  This degree enables students to maximize their creative potential through the study and artistic application of emerging digital technologies.  It provides learning opportunities in interactive media, web and internet technologies, gaming, and a variety of digital design applications including sound, still image, motion, and animation.

Careers Students Pursue After Finishing in Online Media Arts

  • Web Designer
  • Animator
  • Multimedia Designer
  • Creative Director

B.A. Media Arts Courses

  • MART 302
  • MART 330
  • MART 340
  • MART 341
  • MART 342
  • MART 441
  • MART 450

Track Electives

Students have an additional 27 credits of open degree electives. These should be used to take classes in support of the specific direction within Media Arts that the student wants to pursue. These courses can be any MART, GDSN or ARTZ course. Students are also encouraged to consider courses within the broader College of the Arts and Media.

Majors also take…

  • Foundations courses.
  • Media Arts Core Courses
    • MART 210 Creation of Media Story – 3 Credits
    • MART 255 Photoshop Art/Design – 3 Credits
    • MART 256 Illustrator: Vector and Layout – 3 Credits
  • Writing, and Theory courses.
  • University General Education courses.

Majors earn a B.A. in Media Arts. Throughout your studies, we encourage you to take classes across all areas in SVMA.

Find us on Instagram @UMT_SVMA